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Re: UnWheel

Posted: Tue 19 Nov , 2013 7:29 pm
by darkelf
iRobot wrote:I didn't think manual would be mandatory. Never got that impression anyway.
I might of read it wrong then. But either way. Im against manual.

Re: UnWheel

Posted: Tue 19 Nov , 2013 7:33 pm
by iZumo
Manual is going to stay optional, in the current form it's just an amusement. Automatic is already redlining when not damaged, at the moment. This is however a balance matter.

Re: UnWheel

Posted: Tue 19 Nov , 2013 7:35 pm
by iRobot
Refueling, tyre wear and slipstreaming soon? :P

Re: UnWheel

Posted: Tue 19 Nov , 2013 7:36 pm
by iZumo
Also, about the best lap tracking, can be done sometime later, but it will get crippled if you fail balancing a single car which would get whored.
darkelf wrote:With that being said. I'm kinda worried about making manual a forced thing. When it comes to racing games or any game that has cars I will always play auto. I drive a manual car in real life as a daily driver. Its one thing to drive in real life but to try and do it in a game it just never works the way it should. The only way it would work somewhat right is to use a full on race seat with a proper racing joystick set. (which shamefully I have).
I didn't have that much problems getting used to manual with it on mouse. Cluctch is what needs legs to work well.

Re: UnWheel

Posted: Tue 19 Nov , 2013 7:46 pm
by Charybdis
My log is getting filled with a number of things. I've had several crashes, which I don't think I've caught the logs for, but if I do I'll post it here.

Here's some stuff I'm getting spammed with (sorry for the line numbers, vim):

Log: Bringing Level UWRL-TrainRace.myLevel up for play (90) appSeconds: 14.183612...
233 Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (Door04) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
234 Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (Door04) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
235 Log: (Karma): StaticMesh (Door04) with empty Karma KAggregateGeometry.
Error: UWSCarFlairXF UWRL-TrainRace.UWSCarFlairXF (Function UnWheel.UWSCar.TeamChanged:0035) Accessed array 'VehicleSkins' out of bounds (-1/5) <--- this appears a few times throughout the log
314 Warning: UWSCarFlairXF UWRL-TrainRace.UWSCarFlairXF (Function UnWheel.UWSCar.PostNetBeginPlay:037B) Accessed None 'Game'
Warning: UWPlayer UWRL-TrainRace.UWPlayer (Function Engine.PlayerController.PlayerDriving.BeginState:0007) Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'
Warning: UWSFX UWRL-TrainRace.UWSFX (Function UnWheel.UWSFX.SWheelUpdateDust:035F) Accessed None 'UWInfo' <-- several times
Warning: UWHUDRally UWRL-TrainRace.UWHUDRally (Function UnWheel.UWHUDRally.DrawStuff:0200) Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo' <--- several hundred times
Warning: UWHUDRally UWRL-TrainRace.UWHUDRally (Function UnWheel.UWHUDRally.DrawStuff:0403) Accessed None 'PRIArray' <--- several thousand times (probably called every frame/tick)


That didn't take long, got the crash:

Code: Select all

122872 Log: Unreal Call Stack: UScriptedTexture::Get <- FOpenGLRenderInterface::SetShaderMaterial <- FOpenGLRenderInterface::SetMaterial <- USkeletalMeshInstance::Render <- FDynamicActor::Render <- RenderLevel <- FLevelSceneNode::Render <- FPlayerSceneNode::Render <- UGameEngine::Draw <- USDLViewport::Repaint <- USDLClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
122873 Exit: Exiting.
Looks like it could have something to do with a shader/texture, I wonder if this is related to me running this from OSX (OpenGL).

Also, as you can tell, I got ~122k messages of the UnWheel.UWHUDRally.DrawStuff Accessed None's also.

Re: UnWheel

Posted: Tue 19 Nov , 2013 7:49 pm
by iZumo
Thanks for posting.

Yeah, HUD issues are not resloved.

Re: UnWheel

Posted: Tue 19 Nov , 2013 7:54 pm
by darkelf
Izumo_CZ wrote: I didn't have that much problems getting used to manual with it on mouse. Cluctch is what needs legs to work well.
I will give it a try. I'll do my best to put my bias opinion to the side.

Re: UnWheel

Posted: Tue 19 Nov , 2013 7:56 pm
by Azarael
I used Rand(VehicleSkins.Length) for the SkinIndex of forced vehicle skins but it appears that 1-VehicleSkins.Length is expected and not 0-VehicleSkins.Length-1.

Re: UnWheel

Posted: Tue 19 Nov , 2013 8:15 pm
by Charybdis
Azarael wrote:I used Rand(VehicleSkins.Length) for the SkinIndex of forced vehicle skins but it appears that 1-VehicleSkins.Length is expected and not 0-VehicleSkins.Length-1.
Off by one error :)
I noticed that several cars always showed the default bubbly-like texture.

Re: UnWheel

Posted: Wed 20 Nov , 2013 11:44 am
by iRobot
We keep having to kickvote 1 guy because he isn't clicking ready and that just causes frustration to everyone else having to wait. Can we fix this?

Not to mention you have to decipher who it actually is who isn't clicking ready due to the scoreboard only showing 9 players.