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Re: Weighted mapvoting

Posted: Tue 01 Apr , 2014 3:29 pm
by Azarael
Stating outright :D

Re: Weighted mapvoting

Posted: Tue 01 Apr , 2014 6:06 pm
by pupimassa
iRobot wrote:What if everyone had a vote weight of the following

0.2 * <skill> = vote

donators could get

0.3 * <skill> = vote
This is a great idea and motivation for everyone to spend more time on the server and improving their skill! I'd definitely support that.
We were discussing about voting unsuitable maps for the situation and someone mentioned: "I know there are few players for this map, but its a nice map." wtf is that? This ignorant attitude + high percentage of voters for option with most votes is alarming.

With estimation that players with a better skill are mostly (with some exceptions) smarter beings and that voters for winning map arent, it could mean a lot for overall voting improvement!,)

Re: Weighted mapvoting

Posted: Tue 01 Apr , 2014 7:09 pm
by Azarael
While I certainly support the concept of more intelligent players controlling the mapvote and stopping shitty maps (like Urban Hot Zone which was, is and always will be fucking shit for Freon no matter what some of you think), history has proven that the majority must be appeased. If the majority want shit, you serve them shit or you die. Wouldn't be a problem if we had a much larger playerbase, as noobs could noob in UHZ on a separate server while skilled players played good maps, but we deal with what we have.

Re: Weighted mapvoting

Posted: Tue 01 Apr , 2014 8:46 pm
by Calypto
The original UHZ was in mind when we wanted UHZ back.

Re: Weighted mapvoting

Posted: Wed 02 Apr , 2014 10:21 am
by Capaco
On one hand i like this idea..just on the fact i tried yesterday 2 times to vote "new maps" but ppl just dont vote them.
But its not fair against other players just because u have higher skill u have a bigger vote.

As there are stats of accurate etc at the end of the map...prehaps just the players with most accurate, biggest spammer, damage etc get 2.00 votes, just a good reward, even for the biggest spammer : D

Oh yes UHZ and C&C forever ;'D'D

Re: Weighted mapvoting

Posted: Wed 02 Apr , 2014 12:11 pm
by Butcher
Well, I do not vote normally, but allow others to select a map... I just want to play, so I don't really care which map... its always the same maps anyway, seems to me people just stick to what they know...

And I like UHZ also, even if Aza is against this map... ;B

Re: Weighted mapvoting

Posted: Tue 08 Apr , 2014 7:02 pm
by Azarael
The last laugh is mine, friends.

Re: Weighted mapvoting

Posted: Wed 09 Apr , 2014 12:09 am
by Butcher
Azarael wrote:The last laugh is mine, friends.
Yap, we all saw what you did with UHZ... is not anymore a confrontation map, but sniper map...kind of ruined for what the map was... no more HOT action...

Re: Weighted mapvoting

Posted: Wed 09 Apr , 2014 12:38 am
by Azarael
Maybe we'll do something other than camp teleporters, sit in a brick path where nobody can move and only fight in 1/6 of the map now, with the rest of the map dedicated solely to being a runoff for the bottom teleporter. If that happens and the map is balanced without shitty teleporter crutches and hackjob brick paths, none of you can say the outcome was a failure. But I guess all these points about UHZ, that have never been refuted by ANY of the map's backers, just count as "personal bias".

UHZ was only ever removed because I encountered a block when trying to rework it. Now that I can rework it, it shall be done. It was never built for anything but pickup DM. Accept it.