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Posted: Fri 09 Dec , 2011 6:16 pm
by Takeo
Hey there!

I am done with the constructormap and want to clean the constructor.u a bit up. Add some features, improve the script etc.
I have a lot of ideas but .. lets say: not quite the best one in scripting :roll:

So the question is: Would someone like to work on the script with me?

Re: Constructor

Posted: Fri 30 Dec , 2011 6:09 am
by Calypto
I'm a shark at importing textures and meshes to unreal ed... just not smooth repeating ones

Re: Constructor

Posted: Thu 07 Jun , 2012 11:55 am
by Takeo
Since unrealscript originally was based on java, it is not a miracle that they are similiar.. I can't answer your question about why you have problems with it.
Personally I have never worked with java and thus have an excuse for not being able to understand the general stuff :P

And by the way: I am not better in unrealscript than you are, ask izumo ~.~
Additionally, I will have very less time myself in near future. To be honest I wasn't able to work on it in the past much as well... the only one who did something yet was Coi who works with me on it via Dropbox. If you leave me your dropbox mailadress via pm, I will add you there.