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Skill level of the bots.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan , 2014 4:58 am
by reload
Late at night there aren't that many players. This past week me and Stanky have been playing freon with bots. He refuses to play deathmatch so after I kill him it's pretty much a waiting game for the bots to die from the anticamp. The bots are useless if they aren't using the rail gun or hmc so I think it would be a good idea to give them a higher skill maybe somewhere between a 6-8.

P.S: something should be done about their camping. It's obviously frustrating for his only teammates to suicide while he's sitting frozen.

P.S.S: Bots shouldn't be allowed to use the staffs or the firestorm (they always kill themselves).

Re: Skill level of the bots.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan , 2014 10:35 am
by iZumo
The bots actually have average skill displayed ... and they are exempt from the skill system, so no, you can't farm on them

Re: Skill level of the bots.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan , 2014 10:52 am
by reload
Yes I know that. all of the bots have a skill of 4.5
and killing them or getting killed by them doesn't affect the net score. which is why whenever Stanky and me play he is the one that loses skill.

Re: Skill level of the bots.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan , 2014 10:58 am
by Ollievrthecool
I think bots should be removed. If not all bots it should only be 2 bots on the server so if ur the only 1 on, u have 1 bot to play. The difficulty should by the maximum hardness so people get better qhen in the morning practice.

Re: Skill level of the bots.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan , 2014 11:12 am
by reload
I'm just saying the bots should have certain weapons restricted, unaffected by anticamp and maybe teleported around whenever theyre stuck like the invasion monsters. it seems like their loadout is set to random so fixing the first problem shouldn't be hard, right?

Also I don't really care about my skill. That's why I never bother to use efr unlike some people ;'D'D

Re: Skill level of the bots.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan , 2014 12:02 pm
by iRobot
Deaths to bots lower your skill, however.

Re: Skill level of the bots.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan , 2014 12:14 pm
by reload
I don't think that's true. The deaths are only counted when human players kill each other.

Re: Skill level of the bots.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan , 2014 12:29 pm
by iRobot
I wouldn't bother posting it if it wasn't true.

I have lowered my skill level from 8.4 to 8.1 before on bots alone.

Re: Skill level of the bots.

Posted: Sun 05 Jan , 2014 12:39 pm
by pupimassa
lol Robot, have you purposely lowered your skill using bots? that's cute
btw I dont understand why some (yeah, happen with Stanky all the time) refuse playing DM late at night ( =with bots). Freon with them is pure evil, dude!

Re: Skill level of the bots.

Posted: Mon 06 Jan , 2014 2:52 am
by iZumo
He's just trollin', lol.