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Some thoughts and things

Posted: Wed 22 Jan , 2014 1:13 am
by Mecha
Some things bothered me in the past and present. It's about TeamSpeak that people love and cheating. In my past playing sessions I kept noticing something weird. The following scenario happened pretty often by the time I've played: you are frozen, standing there lonely, waiting to thaw with no enemies in sight. As soon as you pass the 90% mark, an enemy walks by and throws an FP7. Coincidence? Random? Female intuition? Might be, can happen. But in later matches, it kept repeating. Hit the 90% mark and see an FP7 or a T10 thrown at you. It did go on occasionally, then I started to believe they are using wallhacks, radars or something that allows them to read enemy HP. But is it true? Did they managed to get a hack that bypasses AntiTCC? I don't know and I can't prove it since I can't make them send their own screenshots or something. The next topic is TeamSpeak. This raised my awareness because of one frustrating moment of suddenly getting camped while being frozen. As soon as I reached 95%, one (I'm not going to call names because people are so fragile) suddenly started deploy around me. Not 'deploy' with a weapon, but crouching while pointing his weapon towards me. He apparently knew exactly when I was going to thaw. But how? I tried to shoot him when I thawed and tried to kill him, but failed in the end. I noticed his clanmate in my team, and that was the final nail on the coffin. TeamSpeak was used at that moment to gain an advantage, there was no other way. It's frustrating, but it was apparently 'fair'. Now I keep being paranoid of possible TeamSpeak abuse once I join a game. Some might come up with "lel then get ts u nub" but fuck that, my PC can't even handle tabbing out of UT2004 nor I have a microphone.

Now it's your turn. While cheating is an extremely sensitive topic to talk about, but do you believe there is still one or two cheaters who use wallhacks or radars? And about TeamSpeak, should it be considered as 'fair' for people to communicate with each other across the teams to give away location or status of their own teammates? Let's see what you have to say.

Re: Some thoughts and things

Posted: Wed 22 Jan , 2014 1:33 am
by iRobot
People in the same clan will use TS, just look at the grrrrl's for example

Can't really say anything about the cheating, I've had fp7s thrown on my frozen body all the time, so others can't thaw

The warmth from the fp7 should thaw both teams trollface

Re: Some thoughts and things

Posted: Wed 22 Jan , 2014 1:38 am
by Oska
I have never heard anyone saying "that guy has 90%! Throw a FP7!" even though I've also noticed that sometimes grenades are thrown with a 90ish% timing. But I don't recall them being thrown by any of the players using TeamSpeak. Some players simply check the time & come back 1m30/40 after they killed you.

The amount of player being on TeamSpeak is not high enough to produce a "camp the soon to be thawed" effect, and the discussion on TeamSpeak are quite often not about the game being played.

Regarding the grrrrr's accusation thrown by iRobot, I don't recall any of us using FP7 or T10 either. And certainly not throwing on players soon-to-be-thawed. But you are right, we get on TeamSpeak because we want to cheat.

Re: Some thoughts and things

Posted: Wed 22 Jan , 2014 1:48 am
by Azarael
He never said you get on TS to cheat. Seriously, step it the fuck down.

Re: Some thoughts and things

Posted: Wed 22 Jan , 2014 1:53 am
by Oska
So am I.

He didn't say it but implied it.
iRobot wrote:People in the same clan will use TS, just look at the grrrrl's for example
Please stick to Mecha's concerns and notice that the part regarding grrrrr's was a side note to my previous post & was not concerning you in any way.

Re: Some thoughts and things

Posted: Wed 22 Jan , 2014 2:04 am
by Azarael
Public forum, I respond to what I want. He implied nothing and I'm tired of seeing your sniping, from one who is subjected to it almost every day.

To respond to the actual OP, it would be naïve to say that nobody on LDG is cheating. Someone is, somehow - the game is hackable and therefore at least one person is cheating, unless we have a server of angels.

As for TS, that kind of conduct does not occur in LDG TS, at least not as far as I'm aware. The worst that's gone on in LDG TS has been truces between players of opposite teams. I can't discount the possibility that information sharing does go on between players when I'm not here. Grrrrr TS is another matter, I'm not privy to what happens in there.

Re: Some thoughts and things

Posted: Wed 22 Jan , 2014 7:03 am
by iZumo
You have a 5 second protection after you get thawn, that is generally enough time to get out of FP7 fire or distract someone aiming at you and prepare yourself (+ you'll get the first shot in the combat if you're fast enough).

While I'm not saying nobody cheats on LDG, I don't think that regular checking for frozen players or estimating their time to get thawn is something very difficult.

Re: Some thoughts and things

Posted: Wed 22 Jan , 2014 9:23 am
by Mecha
Thank you for your responses. My paranoia and concerns regarding the legitimacy about the abuse of TeamSpeak still persist, it seems like some sort of a greyzone. Gaining an advantage by having a double agent in your team or some 'unsuspicious' spectator who passes information about players to clanmates/buttbuddies across the teams is just breaking the spirit of the game or roughly speaking, fucking cheap and 'asshole'. That very moment of deploying around me really happened on DM-Siberianstrait not that long ago and as I said, the usage of TeamSpeak was involved, there is no doubt. I don't have any demos or screenshots to prove it, I wasn't prepared for that and it simply happened fast. All I can do is raising awareness to this matter, I am not pointing fingers to anyone because anybody can make use of external communication programs. What I will do if it happens again is simply disconnect and play another game.

Re: Some thoughts and things

Posted: Wed 22 Jan , 2014 11:37 am
by iRobot
Tracking frozen players thawing isn't difficult for anyone who's played DM before. For example, the UDamage respawn is just over 80 sec (real time), so you know at about 70 to make your way to it.

Since in Freon 1% is 1 sec (game time) as Oska says, you can just come back in 1 min 30 to harass someone you killed in an isolated location. Obviously you don't know if someone's been thawed slightly by another player.

Re: Some thoughts and things

Posted: Wed 22 Jan , 2014 12:47 pm
by Butcher
The camping or appearance of opponents when you are about to be defrozen is typical, I'm not sure if they are counting or if they know your health status but for sure there are many situations where the 5secs, just takes you to the 2 dodgejump distance to be again frozen. Specially when you are against 3-5 opponents waiting to farm you. Either there should be a bit more time under the protection or you could spawn in a different place when defreezing by yourself (when you ain't thawn by your teammate), If you are thawn completely by someone you stay in the place.