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What do people want?

Posted: Mon 17 Feb , 2014 1:45 pm
by iRobot
There has been a lot of discussion/frustration at the perceived number of changes lately. Yet at the same time, there are also lots of comments in games about weapons being OP or lame.

So if people are both against balance changes, yet against weapons being whored or spammed or OP, how should it be handled? As I eloquently put it in the topic title, what do people want?

Balance and bug free gameplay, or stability with patches but the potential for everyone using the same 2-3 weapons only for months on end?

I personally prefer the former and have no issue with the changes when and if made.

Edit; Also worth mentioning is the map changes. How do you feel about them? Note that any and all map changes are done with the best of intentions to make the maps more fair and fun and not to troll anyone.

Re: What do people want?

Posted: Mon 17 Feb , 2014 4:34 pm
by Butcher
Change is good... would you like to do it missionary position every time?.... HELL NO!!! :evil: Change gives the spice...
I would suggest though not every day to have a new tweak... Let the modification run for a week at least (except for super unbalanced obvious cases under Aza's criteria) and inform us about what is the modification is about before going online, so we may try it and help evaluate it... maybe to have a base version we can come back in case of general disagreement.
Respect to the maps, they are in general better... are positive changes :D

Re: What do people want?

Posted: Tue 18 Feb , 2014 3:14 am
by reload
Overall I'm fine with the changes. I usually complain about them for a week or so but then I get over it. The only one change that I thought was unnecessary was to the staves.

Re: What do people want?

Posted: Tue 18 Feb , 2014 7:55 pm
by Definitelynotjay
of course YOU wouldn't like the changes. trollface

Re: What do people want?

Posted: Wed 19 Feb , 2014 3:31 am
by Michie
A game that is Fun :) Like It use to be .= ;B

Re: What do people want?

Posted: Wed 19 Feb , 2014 6:09 am
by CaptainXavious
That doesn't help Michie. What exactly do you mean by "like what it used to be"?

We're trying to figure out what direction people want us to go in for BW development.

Re: What do people want?

Posted: Wed 19 Feb , 2014 1:10 pm
by iXtl
I think that game dynamic (and fun from it) could be increased by OP all weapons and shortening thawing time. More deaths, but more time for playing, also.

Re: What do people want?

Posted: Wed 19 Feb , 2014 1:38 pm
by iRobot
iXtl wrote:I think that game dynamic (and fun from it) could be increased by OP all weapons and shortening thawing time. More deaths, but more time for playing, also.
So you want to play CoD?


Re: What do people want?

Posted: Wed 19 Feb , 2014 3:24 pm
by iXtl
iRobot wrote:So you want to play CoD? .=
Don't know. Muliti CoD played only once, if I remember. CoD Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops still have unpacked :)
But seriously in UT time for thaw is little too long and most of weapons have too unrealistic (too low) damage.
I am also playing for some time Survarium in beta phase (multi-Stalker) and like their attitude.

Re: What do people want?

Posted: Wed 19 Feb , 2014 3:36 pm
by Azarael
The HP is set higher than normal for two reasons:

1) You have armor in standard TAM/Freon
2) If HP is too low, weapons which should have high damage become either OP or UP depending on implementation