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Posted: Thu 21 Aug , 2014 6:29 am
by Calypto
Finished the shield gun portion of the map. There are two parts, easy then less easy. Once you finish the less easy part, the wall in front of the spawn might lower and the trial scorpions will attempt to spawn.

Re: RACE-ShieldgunScorpion

Posted: Thu 21 Aug , 2014 7:58 am
by Calypto
Live test notes: at its current difficulty, this map is NOT going to play well with players who have never used a shield gun for movement before.

Re: RACE-ShieldgunScorpion

Posted: Thu 21 Aug , 2014 10:52 am
by iRobot
Is it on the server? I want to try this out.

Re: RACE-ShieldgunScorpion

Posted: Thu 21 Aug , 2014 4:23 pm
by Donnie
me too

Re: RACE-ShieldgunScorpion

Posted: Fri 22 Aug , 2014 8:28 am
by darkelf
Just tried this out offline.. Pretty sure your already aware of these issues but I feel I really need to drive it home.

-The gaps should all be teleports back. Making some kill and others not is confusing and just causes rage. Also make sure you put multiple teleport actors otherwise your going to have telefrags every 2 seconds.

-Objs should be proximity objectives. If you want to make them use triggers I would suggest putting them on a wall or something. Just pressing use on a objective floating in the middle of floor is awkward and some what dodgy.

-Difficulty level. Some of these jumps are by no means possible for over 75% of server population.

Final thought: DM shield gun in race maps is a huge no go in my opinion.. You will see massive rage quits like you have never seen before. I would recommend leaving DM shieldgun jumping trials for trial servers or DM/TDM servers. Also its glitchy.. wow is it glitchy. I couldn't even do the basic of shield jumps without clipping through walls or getting stuck on them. So yah, DM shield gun.. not workin for me. That and you can't do it in third person view keeps glitching and not letting you aim down when against wall. I have to do it.. I have to.. I love yah and all but I got to do it..

DM Shield gun trials.. on LDG Racing/Assault server.. facepalm srsly fts

Re: RACE-ShieldgunScorpion

Posted: Fri 22 Aug , 2014 8:56 am
by Calypto
Yeah, putting it aside for possibly a long time. Not sure about the wallbugs though, the brushes are added onto a large rectangular prism, not subtracted to form one. Shitty old engine is what I'm going with.
darkelf wrote:Objs should be proximity objectives. If you want to make them use triggers I would suggest putting them on a wall or something. Just pressing use on a objective floating in the middle of floor is awkward and some what dodgy.
They just don't deliver the same satisfaction as use objectives :cry:

Re: RACE-ShieldgunScorpion

Posted: Fri 22 Aug , 2014 10:21 am
by iRobot
I had the same issue with clipping and sticking to walls when I tried it offline. I was also sliding around like I was on ice, I couldn't stand still for some odd reason. Assuming it's an offline only bug.

The map can work, and it'll be good for "racers" to try, but the time limit will need to be specialized. Like 10 minutes timer only, with +X time per objective completion, otherwise the map may end up stuck at a point for a while.

Agree with most of elf's points above, the drops need to teleport you back to a checkpoint, as the likelihood of someone doing all of the jumps in one try is low.

I'm also interested how it would work with two teams. Assuming they are using the same shield jump area, I'm concerned it'll just turn into a shield gun death match with maybe one or two people trying to do the jumps. Not to mention with a lot of players, there will be people in the way all the time.