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Re: AS-Legowars

Post by calum » Sun 21 Feb , 2010 7:10 pm

ok here are some things that you could change:

first obj:
weapons for defenders:
you should remove flak and rocket cause they are too powerful there

and you should change the structure of this obj cause its too hard to reach the top with x guys shooting / spamming at you
make the way to the top more easy to reach

then @ the destroy door & sit and hold x3 objs:

no shock rifle for defenders
and reduce the link multiplier of that turret significantly or remove link guns für defenders

the 3 hold objs: reduce hold time by about 50%

then the obj after that:
reduce the hp of the 4 turrets to ~400 hp and reduce the link multiplier signifcantly so its not effective when they link each other

weapons for defenders:
i think shock rifle is overpowered for them, but they should have lg (i think they dont have atm)

after attackers have done the 2 hold objs and destroyed the door, the 3 objs inside, i think you should just remove them completly and do an auto teleport to the next obj after the door is destroyed

then the obj where the ion cannon is:
i would remove all the link turrets caues thats just crazy spam when you come around the edge and 5 bazillion lasers shoot at you o_0
and an ion cannon with 3000hp is maybe too much

the obj itself is too hard to reach in that small "house", once you get in there you are easily spammed dead in there
so you should maybe make it an reach obj and put it somewhere else

thats about it for now ^^

Very nice action by the n00b himself!


Re: AS-Legowars

Post by Cartoon » Sun 21 Feb , 2010 9:05 pm

Is that you just getting Warm-up'd up?

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Re: AS-Legowars

Post by KimiRäikkönen » Mon 22 Feb , 2010 1:43 am

Changes for AS-Legowars-V2A

Maptime extended to 30 minutes.

Room 1:
Attackers now have:
Link gun.
Shock rifle.
Lightning gun.
Defenders now have:
Link gun.
Lightning gun.
Room 2:
Path to objective made easier, tank cannot get stuck anymore.
The three hold objectives: MoveTime=3.
Link turret has 500 hp now.

Room 3:
Proximity objective made ALOT easier, defenders can’t spawn camp.
Link turret at the end of the hall now has 500 hp, linkmultiplier=0.1

Room 4:
Entire room made smaller.
Ion cannon from 3000 > 2500 hitpoints
Spawntime of the leviathian from 60 > 30 seconds.
Spawntime of paladins and tanks of defenders from 5 > 15 seconds.
Avrils placed in the map, along with cones.
Previous holdobjective now replaced by ion cannon pickup.
Holdobjective moved to in front of the ion cannon.
Jumppads added to shorten the path to objective.
Last and pre-last objectives reversed.
Prelast objective now has the ‘climb the lego tower’ as a side objective.
Textures changed in favor of the epileptically issues…



Re: AS-Legowars

Post by Cartoon » Mon 22 Feb , 2010 11:40 pm

Should be interesting.

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Re: AS-Legowars

Post by Socio » Wed 24 Feb , 2010 1:36 pm

You should make the ‘climb the lego tower’ side obj. do somethng Kimi.
Like give the attackers some new vehicle spawns, flying ones preferabley, maybe 2 Raptors/Cicadas? 1 spawn per 1 side obj

Also here a few other things that you might change.
-noticed how some players are wandering lost after a new spawn has been enabled and the time for teleporting has passed. Maybe you could add an AS_forceteamrespawn trigger to teleport everyone to the new location. Of course you should add also more player starts to avvoid team telefraging as it happens on PieronsHouse.
-not a big issue, but the jumppads at the lego towers on the 2nd. floor seem to be badly placed, causing ppl to bounce around from ceiling, moving them a little on one side would fix this.
> team-spec*Socio: i see a new rais map
> team-spec*Socio: curious if ikea
> H&some: its not
> H&some: its actually pretty good


Re: AS-Legowars

Post by DejaVu » Wed 24 Feb , 2010 11:12 pm

Three questions I promised to tell about:
1) Zone Portals
2) Map colors and players
3) Color fog

1) I think, that it will be the easiest if I just copy here my dialogue with 7-up when he wanted to add zones to his PieronHouse.

[31.01.2010 18:36:11] DejaVu: 1st, ill tell shortly what is that zones and why they are good to be used:
for example, we have some map divided into 10 zones.
and f.e. in some moment current obj (let it be #3) is located in zone 3, defenders spawn in zone 4 and attackers in zone 2. also, attackers can see zone 1 from the point they spawn, and defenders can see zone 5.
so, server and clients need to process ONLY THESE 5 zones, saving cpu resoures by ignoring zones 6-10 cause thay are dont needed at the moment.
thats an example.
[31.01.2010 18:37:58] DejaVu: sure, its better when zones number is many, its good to make every room a different zone and divide open spaces like the yard in ur map into few zones too.
so if nobody in the yard, it will not be processed by server or clients.
and if somebody will stand near the window and look outside, server will process not all the yeard, but only a one part of it - closest to the window zone.
[31.01.2010 18:38:11] DejaVu: is that clear?
[31.01.2010 18:38:48] 7-up: ye
[31.01.2010 18:41:41] DejaVu: f.e. at grandcanyon cave is one zone, canyon with 4houses is another, castle area is third zone, further, lake area, is different zone too
[31.01.2010 18:42:03] 7-up: yep
[31.01.2010 18:42:18] DejaVu: so when we play in cave, server needs to compute only cave, 4houses and castle zone. all other map is 'idle'
[31.01.2010 18:42:33] DejaVu: now how to create a zone
[31.01.2010 18:42:34] 7-up: ye i understand ^^
[31.01.2010 18:42:39] 7-up: k
[31.01.2010 18:44:28] DejaVu: to see an example open GC map, switch to the zone view (the last icon on view switch panel) the green sheets - iz zone dividers
[31.01.2010 18:44:45] DejaVu: zones are diveded bu brushes and only
[31.01.2010 18:44:54] DejaVu: not by statickmeshes
[31.01.2010 18:45:28] DejaVu: so zone must be totally close by brushes or by these sheets
[31.01.2010 18:46:18] DejaVu: to create a sheet build sheet brush (red) and then press ADD SPESIAL BRUSH button at the left and select zone portal in the drop-down list; to see the changes in zoning (by colors) U should rebuild geometry
[31.01.2010 18:46:43] 7-up: I added some zoneportals but no zones :P
[31.01.2010 18:46:47] DejaVu: u can set up these sheets in windows, in doors, to separate rooms
[31.01.2010 18:46:55] DejaVu: so there is some holes in ur map
[31.01.2010 18:47:02] 7-up: ye
[31.01.2010 18:47:10] 7-up: forgot the windows -.-
[31.01.2010 18:47:19] DejaVu: yep
[31.01.2010 18:47:33] DejaVu: zone must be totally closed by brushes or by portals
[31.01.2010 18:47:50] DejaVu: to separate the yard u shuld add a very big portals
[31.01.2010 18:48:37] 7-up: ye indeed xD
[31.01.2010 18:51:14] DejaVu: thats good when zones are many. bad when there are less.
btw, u can divide 1st and 2nd floor in the stairs, place portal right in the ceiling hole
[31.01.2010 18:51:31] 7-up: ok
[31.01.2010 18:54:42] DejaVu: i advise u to separate the yard also in tree levels (under the 1st floor windows, till 2nd floor windows, and the uppes part)
i advise that because most of the time plrs in the rooms can see in the windows the top part of the yard so server shuld not process ground objects that are not seen
[31.01.2010 18:56:02] DejaVu: at the plan it can be divided into 3 parts, thats enought
[31.01.2010 18:58:18] DejaVu: so totally that will be 3x3=9 zones, and when plrs playing inside the house they will see 1 to 5 zones only
[31.01.2010 18:58:19] 7-up: good idea
[31.01.2010 18:59:58] DejaVu: the main idea that zone must be totally airtight - every hole must be covered with portal.
f.e. open any other map and look there.
[31.01.2010 19:00:05] DejaVu: thats all :)
[31.01.2010 20:28:53] 7-up: some zone colors look smiliar
[31.01.2010 20:29:56] DejaVu: if zones color is EXACTLY then its one zone.
if u dont sure, u can rebuild map and editor will change colors
[31.01.2010 20:30:17] 7-up: l zones inside the house r done
[31.01.2010 20:30:43] 7-up: but how do i seperate zone 1 and 2 on ur screenshot
[31.01.2010 20:30:56] 7-up: without seperating zones inside the house o.O
[31.01.2010 20:31:15] 7-up: "deintersect" ?
[31.01.2010 20:31:56] DejaVu: make few sheets
[31.01.2010 20:32:04] DejaVu: try, at least
[31.01.2010 20:32:28] DejaVu: so make portal from few separete but well placed sheets
[31.01.2010 20:32:45] 7-up: ok ill try :)
[31.01.2010 20:33:26] DejaVu: btw, separating zones in the house is not a problem. its not bad when zones are many if they r not crossing critical objective-volumes
[31.01.2010 20:33:38] DejaVu: so u can cross the house and dont care ;)

2) As all map walls are white-red, red plrs have advantages - they are impossible to hit! Great camouflage. Crap disbalance.
I can offer two solutions:
a. to paint half of the walls (f.e. left) in red white-bricks, and other walls (f.e. right) in white-blue bricks;
b. to make two copies of all rooms with the only difference in color and set ingame obj-scripts so in the 1st game is at the red copy, and at the 2nd round - in the blue copy.
ps: i'm not sure if its possible, but I have an idea how to try; if U like B-variant, ill try and maybe thats will be possible

3) Maybe it will be nice to aff color fog to the map - different colors in every room

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Your map is so cool!

Post by ô_waffleking_ô » Sun 30 May , 2010 3:54 pm

Its really epic and fun. I never expected legos.
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Re: AS-Legowars

Post by Azarael » Sun 30 May , 2010 5:09 pm

Don't necromance. Locked.


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